Plateforme cloud-média, avec Raspberry Pi

image principale Plateforme cloud-média, avec Raspberry Pi



Here is a quick overview what to do after you downloaded the latest EasyDK img for your rpi


Follow the directions on our git file.

An image will be available soon!

Source Code & Development


Connect EasyDK to wifi to finalize the configuration, choose one of the following 2 methods:

1 / Use you own USB mouse or buy our recommanded remote control (G10):
• Use a USB mouse and simply connect it to the USB port of the Raspberry Pi
(usb keyboard is not necessary you can use the virtual keyboard already installed).
2 / In bluetooth with a smartphone (Bêta):
• Start a search for easydigitalkey Bluetooth equipment, connect to the Easydigitalkey machine then enter the URL bar
• Connect your smartphone via IP: Once the wifi connection has been made you can use the IP address of the raspberry to connect to it with any device and manage the various functions.

Done !
EasyDK is connected to the internet.

Finalize the configuration by following step (3 / LOGIN) below.

But now, you need to create your free cloud account :


• Make sure that EasyDK is connected to the Internet (see wifi configuration in the settings).
• Once the machine is connected, enter the password obtained during the creation of your cloud (see previous step).
• Enter the code received in the required field and confirm.
• Now your EasyDK is operational and controllable via the cloud, the wifi connection is not necessary for offline operation (without the cloud).
• The default configuation uses ioconstellation cloud, so it requires to create your own free account on

Matériel :

Budget : 65€

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